Beneficiary Profile 1890 Liow Kai Xin

Minimum Contribution RM1.00


61 Funders

Campaign Closed

Campaign Creator
Nick Name: daai


Urgent appeal for help after chemotherapy and surgery! Seventeen-year-old Liow Kai Xin needs to recover her health immediately, or the consequences could be dire.

After undergoing cancer treatment, her weakened body is severely malnourished, and she urgently needs a year’s supply of high-quality milk powder, diapers, and living expenses to recuperate at home and attend regular medical check-ups. We earnestly request kind-hearted individuals nationwide to donate RM41,640 to help her recover as soon as possible.

Case No. 1890: Liow Kai Xin, a young girl with a bright future ahead, was diagnosed with a malignant tumour in her left femur two years ago. After five rounds of chemotherapy and multiple surgeries, her body is extremely weak. Due to the family’s financial difficulties, her father, who earns a modest income, is unable to afford the substantial costs of her treatment. Her mother, in tears, is pleading for assistance from generous individuals across the country to help her daughter through this difficult time.

Liow Kai Xin discovered in 2022 that her left leg could not bend. After several medical consultations, she was diagnosed in February of the same year with osteosarcoma at the distal end of her left femur, and the cancer had already metastasized to her left lung. Because of the connection between her left leg and left lung, 90% of the cancer cells have spread to her left lung. She underwent surgery on her left leg, during which the affected bone was removed and replaced with a metal implant. Additionally, she had surgery on her back and underwent three lung surgeries, which have left her with persistent back pain. Chemotherapy has caused her severe discomfort, including a burning sensation throughout her body.

Due to the family’s financial struggles, and with the doctor’s consent, Liow Kai Xin is receiving care at home and requires regular hospital check-ups. Her mother, Tan Yan Shih, explained that during chemotherapy, her daughter relied on high-nutrition milk powder recommended by a nutritionist to meet her nutritional needs. However, due to financial difficulties, they can now only afford low-nutrition packaged milk and simple home-cooked meals, leaving Kai Xin emaciated and weak. Her limited mobility has made it necessary for her to use diapers. Her mother never imagined such misfortune would befall her daughter, and during a home visit by our social workers, she couldn’t hold back her tears.

[Mother’s Wish: Hope for Her Daughter’s Recovery and a Long Life Together]

Tan Yan Shih, overwhelmed with emotion, expressed her deepest feelings without hesitation: “I raised her when she was little, and I hope she can be with me when I grow old!” Tan has been by her daughter’s side as she grew up and deeply hopes that her daughter will also be with her in her old age.

Tan hopes her daughter will stay strong and overcome this difficult time, as she is still young and has a long life ahead. The mother, heartbroken and choked with emotion, could barely speak, and both mother and daughter wept as they embraced, leaving us deeply saddened.

[Daughter’s Wish: To Recover Quickly and Fulfil Her Dream of Traveling to China]

Liow Kai Xin is a beautiful 17-year-old girl with dreams and aspirations like many girls her age. Just as she was about to embark on a bright future, her plans were disrupted by cancer. The youthful smile and radiance on her face have faded, and she cannot think too far ahead or imagine enjoying life. She only hopes to recover quickly, so her mother won’t worry, and that she can fulfil her dream of traveling to China.

Tan Yan Shih has five daughters, with Kai Xin being the third. The family of seven, apart from the father, is all female. The father, Liow Wei Keong, works as a daily-wage electrician with an unstable income, earning a maximum of RM2,500 per month. He works hard to support the family’s expenses but often falls short. Tan is a homemaker, caring for her daughter’s daily needs, and is unable to work outside the home to supplement the household income.

Kai Xin’s two younger sisters are still in school, while her eldest sister has just started working with an uncertain income and her second sister is still seeking a job. As a result, the family cannot afford the significant expenses required for Kai Xin’s care. In desperation, her mother turned to Da Ai for assistance.

At the request of Tan Yan Shih, we have decided to raise funds to purchase a year’s supply of high-quality milk powder, diapers, and living expenses for Liow Kai Xin. The breakdown is as follows:

Special Milk Powder: RM120 x 10 cans (per month) = RM1,200
RM1,200 x 12 months = RM14,400
Diapers: RM18 x 15 packs (per month) = RM270
RM270 x 12 months = RM3,240
Living Expenses: RM2,000 x 12 months = RM24,000
Total: RM41,640

We sincerely appeal to kind-hearted individuals nationwide to help Liow Kai Xin overcome this crisis. We also encourage everyone to share this message to reach more generous individuals who can help this crowdfunding campaign reach its goal as soon as possible. Thank you.