Impoverished households are unable to afford essential medical supplies and are hoping for urgent assistance!
Case No. 1753: A 6-month-old baby girl suffering from brain diseases and an inability to urinate requires long-term treatment. However, her parents cannot afford the RM2712 needed to purchase essential medicines. They earnestly request the assistance of kind-hearted people.
The unfortunate Sofiyatus Sholihah Binti Demairi has been afflicted with Lipomyelomenigocoele with large retrocerenellat arachnoid cyst since birth, leading to brain edema and a swollen head. She has undergone multiple brain decompression surgeries due to constant suffering, and her body has become extremely weak.
She also cannot urinate and needs to empty her bladder every 4 to 6 hours through Clean Intermittent Catheterization (CIC) to prevent residual urine from causing urinary tract infections that could endanger her life.
Our social workers visited the baby’s home to understand the situation. The baby’s mother, Suhriyah, held her daughter while her husband, Adam, stood at the door to welcome our social workers and express their gratitude. The sincerity of this impoverished family was evident.
Little Sofiyatus, with her lifeless eyes, quietly stared at our social workers. Although she cannot speak yet, it seemed as though she expressed a glimmer of hope, having a different feeling about our visit. Sofiyatus is their youngest daughter, and the couple also has two older children, aged 8 and 9.
Suhriyah told us that she did not notice anything unusual during her pregnancy, and the baby was born full-term. However, after the baby was born, her condition was abnormal. Doctors informed them that the baby’s condition was severe and required immediate examination and treatment at a nearby major hospital.
After undergoing surgery and seeming to be well, it turned out that the baby’s head swelled abnormally when she was over two months old. She had to be hospitalized again, and it was confirmed that this was due to brain edema.
The baby’s condition has been recurrent, and while going in and out of the hospital has become routine, she cries uncontrollably when she sees medical staff because she is very afraid of needles and blood draws, which are painful!
Dad Adam was previously unemployed but recently found casual work with a meager and unstable income. His wife is a homemaker, and they have two school-going children. To support their family of five, they are unable to afford the long-term medical supplies needed for the baby. As a last resort, they are seeking help from Da Ai.
After understanding the situation, we have decided to crowdfund the required urinary catheters and medical supplies for the baby for a period of two years, totaling RM2712 (RM113 x 24 months). We earnestly request kind-hearted people to support the crowdfund. We also hope that everyone can help spread this plea for assistance, enabling more compassionate individuals to provide aid. Thank you.
【Update- 28 September 2023】
Thank you to everyone for contributed RM2,712 to help the needy and impoverished purchase medical supplies for Sofiyatus, a 6-month-old baby girl. Donations have stopped as fundraising has met its goal.
Suhriyah, the mother of the child, and her husband, Adam, are grateful to the donors for their assistance in allowing them to care for the child without worry. We hope that the baby grows up swiftly in his mother’s care.
We appreciate and thank every one of the those who have offered to assist us. We send our best wishes for a healthy, happy, and peaceful family life as well as success in your career.